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What do we need to consider for using an AGV car?

Release day:2018-12-14
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  For the use of AGV cars, we have some problems to consider:

  1. Almost all AGV systems operate indoors. If you travel outdoors, it is usually recommended to use concrete surfaces. Because other softer surfaces (asphalt, black, etc.) will develop ruts from repetitive AGV traffic. These ruts retain moisture, leading to excessive wear and tear of steering components and eventual rupture.

  2. Ensure that the roads in the factory are in good condition (no broken concrete, big cracks, etc.).

  3. Consider marking AGV paths. Paint lines and arrows are often used to identify AGV routes for factory personnel. Mark the safe area to let people know the alternating or crowded pedestrian area of AGV tracking mode.

  4. Generally, it is better to limit the mixing of AGV and manned vehicle traffic. As far as possible, forklift trucks should use separate passages from AGV passages. If possible, special space should be provided for AGV travel.

  5. Slope conditions have a great influence on the capacity grade of AGV. Most of the facility ramps are between 2 and 10%. AGV unit trucks are generally allowed to operate on the ramps, and the slope is not more than 5%. In addition, according to the length of the ramp, the weight of AGV can be reduced by 70% on the 3% - 5% of the ramp. This means that an AGV car with a load of 3 tons can only carry about 1 ton when it comes to ramps. Generally, the AGV trailer can handle longer and steeper ramps than the unit truck. The AGV Trailer with rear wheel drive system is better than the vehicle with single front wheel drive structure in slope application.

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