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How AGV realize automatic avoiding obstacles?

Release day:2019-04-18
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  The most impressive application of AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle) is the express delivery industry. In a large warehouse, dozens of AGV operate alternately. They are so fast that the manual only need to stand at the end of the goods stack to put the goods in the starting position. AGV trolleys do not interfere with each other, accurately classify cargo handling, during which they have the opportunity to touch each other, but do not hinder each other's direction, as AGV has the function of avoiding obstacles. So, how to achieve this function?

  Firstly, a sonar positioning system is installed on the body of AGV, which can send sound signals to the surrounding environment, so as to analyze the surrounding obstacles in time. Sound signal transmission needs a sound wave generator, which is in a continuous working state. It does not know when there will be obstacles, so the signal transmission and reception is very important. The signal obtained through sonar system analysis will give a feedback to the equipment and inform it to respond accordingly. Whether it stops or evades depends on the results of data analysis. This requires a computational system, which can quantify the signal and operate according to the strength of the signal, rather than simply looking at the presence or absence of the signal.
  Secondly, sensitive reaction mechanism. Signal can receive analysis, and the result of analysis is strength action, so sensitive reaction mechanism can definitely transform signal into action. AGV is small enough, it is not difficult to move, but it needs to be sensitive when carrying cargo, which requires adding shock mitigation design in the machine connection, so that no matter the direction of change or slow stop will produce dumping of cargo.
  Finally, the positioning system is not only a sonar system, but also a lidar system, which is similar to the positioning system installed in the car, accurately positioning through the transmission of laser signals. Laser speed is faster than sound wave, it can provide faster reaction speed, so that the machine can complete the detection of the surrounding environment without any connection during the walking process, specifically to determine the speed. For example, obstacle distance, obstacle moving speed and so on. Under different circumstances, AGV trolleys take different measures, either slow or stop. Mircolomay AGV can automatic carry the cargo across the floors and it will never affect the cargo.
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